Licensing Rights

With more and more requests being received for Anima's music to be licensed for use in other media projects, we now have a set of licensing options, so that we can offer approprate licenses to cover the varous rights requested. Listed below are the licensing rights that will affect the quotes we can offer:

Pressing Run
The the number of CDs pressed and whether the product will be distributed digitally (available as mp3 or other digital format). The larger the pressing run the higher the license cost.

This usually applies to advert use and will have a direct effect on the pricing. The larger the circulation, the more the track will cost.

Duration of music used
The longer the duration of the music that is used, the more it will cost. Usually this is quoted per 30 seconds, though the pirce per 30 seconds decreases the longer the duration.

Worldwide distribution will cost more than U.K. only distribution. 

Exclusive Rights
Exclusivity is an important pricing factor. A liscence for the exclusive use (if available) of a track will always cost substantially more. There are different types of exclusive uses. For example, you may want exclusive rights within the television industry or exclusive rights for a certain period of time. Most clients can not afford total exclusivity on a track and would opt for exclusivity within their field of use, in other words, a limited exclusive use. If you do not want another spoken audio product using the same background track as the one you selected, you can obtain limited exclusive rights.

One Time, Non-exclusive Rights
This is what most clients purchase. It is the non-exclusive right to use the music for this one time. That means this music can be sold to other clients for the same use or for other uses. However, the price for these rights costs far less than exclusive rights.

Period of Use
Some clients want to purchase a track for a specific period of use. For example, a client wants to use a piece of music as the background to a radio/tv advert that will only run for a few months, so they will request a licence that takes into consideration that period of use.

Unlimited Use
Sometimes it is more economical to ask for unlimited use of an image for a period of time. For example, if you have many different uses during a one month period you might get a lower quote asking for unlimited use for that period rather than negotiating each use separately.