Anima live immersed in the wilds of our Mother Earth, and have been guided by deep connections with the land and original peoples in ancient ways of healing and remembrance. .
Anima is a word found in various languages and cultures, and means soul, breath, air, life force and feminine spirit energy. It is this sacred energy of the Great Mother that inspires their work, and that radiates out as “the energy of unconditional healing and love” felt in their music.
Ali began producing music under the name Anima in 2004, releasing his debut album “Celestial Baptism”, and later, “Star Ancestory”. The same year, Ali and Lana met in Bath, Somerset and shared time in retreat in the mountains of Wales and Scotland. The following year while individually travelling in Mexico, they reconnected and began performing music together, and later while living in the Amazon of Peru and the Andes of Bolivia, recorded their first joint album “Lemuria Emerging”.
Anima have now released 15 titles, including the compilation album “Light” published by New World Music, and 2 compilation SACD's released in Japan.
Anima now reside in the West Highlands of Scotland, in a remote off-grid location.